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Mary Ann's Fundraising Speech


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Mary Ann's Fundraising Speech

Following is the speech I wrote and I had to keep it within 2 minutes. I could have talked forever. It was a beautiful event and I was thrilled to be apart of it. We raised $215,000 (our team alone raised $20,000). Not bad, huh?

Hi everyone... Are we ready to walk?

My name is Mary Ann and I am a 1-year cancer survivor.
I had a beautiful speech prepared about ME (and how cancer has touched 4 out of the 6 members of my family;) about my diagnosis and how it has affected all those around me; a brief education about my rare cancer... but what I have witnessed in the past 48 hours has compelled me to change my direction of what I was going to say.

Instead I want to talk about and thank all those who so willingly give their time for this cause... To the committee members; team captains and their team members; individuals who gave up their lunch hours and countless other hours for the past month or so to type names; assemble bags; solicit stores and manufacturers for donations; post signs; assemble goodie bags; pick-up donuts late at night; get up at 4:30am today to be here by 6:00am; to those of you who will be walking countless hours to help find a cure; to the school for use of their grounds; for the American Cancer Society who has raised millions of dollars to fight this horrible disease that has taken so many lives; and to the countless other individuals who helped make this day possible. Thank you all.

These events and the money that is raised helped find a cure for Hodgkin's Disease that took my father's life at the age of 33; it has helped make strides in early colon cancer detection that benefited my mother; My best friend and sister caught her breast cancer early and has been cancer free for three years; my cancer which is a rare cancer called Leiomyosarcoma has not yet benefited from the strides made. We do not have early detection or control of its spreading. My hope is that with events like this today we will make the sword to slay this dragon!

And if I may end on one note, it is to say that if you know someone who is struggling with this disease or its diagnosis--a neighbor; a friend; a church member; a family member--reach out to that person and their family Offer to make a meal; pick up groceries; get the kids; just offer your ear and listen. Your effort will mean a lot to that person. A cancer diagnosis and treatment can be a very lonely place.
I continue to feel blessed each time I see an outpour of generosity like this when it comes to fighting this battle. Thank you, thank you again.

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